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Searching For Your Light and Rising the Spirit Within

Writer's picture: CarmelaCarmela

It seems to me that more and more people that I speak with or meet are all searching for something, but they do not know what. They are aware of an emptiness within, or that there is more to life, but not exactly sure of where to start. Everyone is searching for someone to give them some of the answers that they are seeking but no one outside of yourself can give you that. Others can only give you the suggestion to your question, while the experiences may be similar but the results I can guarantee you will always be different. We are all different and unique individuals who are interconnected in a spiritual sense. Yet, each one of us learn in different ways and at a different pace. We all have the answers in us already but the answers we are searching for tend to be clouded by the human body and mind. We are all seeking the same results and in the end we all go about a different way of teaching and learning according to how we as individuals perceive the end result to be.

We all have that light with in us, how we decide to show it is our own decision, according to the lessons that we ether need to learn or we need to teach. Not everyone has to write a book or be in the public eye to be an incredible teacher full of knowledge, in fact the deepest knowledge has come from everyday people who are going about their own business. Some of the most interesting and most knowledgeable individuals are able to speak from a depth of knowledge because they have overcome the ego-based state of mind. These individuals are teachers of the earth, Gundy, Budda, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King are some of the more popular.

t There are many ways in which lessons and teachings come to us. Verbally is a very obvious one and quite often the only way we feel we are able to come to understand things. However, if we were to just pause for a little longer than we normally would, every day things such as a flower growing in a pot could have a lesson to teach. I encourage you to explore your senses, to feel what is happening around you. not expect to be paid. They freely divulge information and wisdom that comes from a place that is free from being convoluted by the ego. Teachers and guides on this earth that are without ego attachment.

There are many ways in which lessons and teachings come to us. Verbally is a very obvious one and quite often the only way we feel we are able to come to understand things. However, if we were to just pause for a little longer than we normally would, every day things such as a flower growing in a pot could have a lesson to teach. I encourage you to explore your senses, to feel what is happening around you

Before we all possessed the ability to communicate via words, we communicated through thoughts and feelings also known as our energy field. The exchange in energy is what the “regular” person is longing for. This subconscious longing lingers because we have shut down, and stored it away and in doing so, have lost the ability to exercise this form of communication.

As life progresses and everyday tasks and mundane routines take their toll on our bodies and minds, our physical bodies are kicked into overdrive because we have lost this primal form of communication with our highest self. When the line between our conscious internal voice and our higher self is blurred, or cut, we can’t quite give meaning or understanding as to why we begin to feel bombarded with every day things. The overwhelming flood of emotions begins to create a dangerous vortex which presents itself as disease or ailments through the physical body. We can no longer process the gut feelings our bodies send as messages.

I can bet that everyone has experienced a gut feeling about a situation. How many times has that feeling come to fruition where you already knew what the outcome was. This is your intuition! Your GUT is the door to that intuition! The gut is where we all have that little light, whether it is dim or shines brightly for all to see. Trusting your gut is imperative as it will never lie to you.

So how do all the Masters and teachers gain their knowledge? They have gained their knowledge by opening the connection to their intuition. They have retrained themselves to listen to the energy outputs their bodies create. Learning through meditation, sitting in solitude, and sometimes reading books and listening to music can encourage us to listen to our body’s signals. We need to be open and vulnerable, to be patient and respectful, we need to listen without replying. We need to assist without expectations and we need to give without expecting anything in return but a simple thank you should suffice. We need to teach and be a student, we need to stop criticizing ourselves and others, we need to stop imposing our views and visions on others and learn not to anger when they our suggestions are not implemented.

Each of the great teachers have shown us time and time again, that they have helped others without expectation and judgement. In todays age, this is what is missing; we judge and criticize each other. We often think that doing so allows us to be “better” than those who we are imposing our views on. Yet, as everyone knows, speaking ill of others does not show who they are but rather who you are!

We as human beings here on this earth, this time around, are waking up to our true potential. We come from a light, a star from the other universe, where we are all knowledgeable of the same concept. We volunteer to come and learn to be more human, with the insight of the universe that we already know. We enter this world with positive intentions but lose sight of our true light in our search for knowledge. We struggle to find our true path and in doing so we begin a journey of searching, searching to fill a void.

We begin searching for a teacher to help us discover that little lights that has been there all along. And so, it is my true belief that when the student is really ready to learn, the right teacher will show up. You must only be open to learn.

But you must know that this discovery does not come without any hard work, it is not all roses and chocolate, it is a lot of de-layering. During your healing process of finding your true self there will be a lot of stuff I call muck that will surface and will need to be dealt with. Some of what surfaces will not be pleasant but if you truly want to find inner peace you must learn to forgive yourself. Going within and allowing self-forgiveness for the many situations that have broken you down, or that you have allowed to overtake you. For those people who you allowed to make decisions for you, forgive yourself for it, because you came out of it and are stronger and wiser because of those situations that have occurred in your life. And in forgiving yourself you will be able to detach your emotion and energy from people and situations, and when you are able to do so, only then can you truly become free from the prison that you have put yourself in.

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